25 Pieces of ‘Life Advice’ That Are Total Bullsh*t
We keep getting life advice everywhere we go. From our parents
to our fortune cookies, everyone is always telling us what to do.
Unfortunately, some of this life advice is a complete lie. And here are a few of the lies you need to stop believing ASAP.
Unfortunately, some of this life advice is a complete lie. And here are a few of the lies you need to stop believing ASAP.
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Pretty much anything about what age you have to be to like buy a house, have kids, get married, have a career or anything like that. Seriously every person lives a different life than everyone else. Live your life the way that makes you happy. If you want. Up to you. -u/Ginger-Beefcake -
"But they are family!" I didn't know being related stopped people from being a**holes. On the flip side, if we're family, why are you treating me like sh*t in the first place? -u/KaiJonez -
Money doesn't bring happiness. Maybe not but with it, I can pursue the things that make me happy. -u/creekupwood -
“Kill them with kindness." F*ck that, sometimes a person needs to be told what’s up. -u/Jimwish32 -
“Cheaters never prosper.” Yes they f*cking do. -u/Quadric0rn -
"Live every day as if it's your last." No. That encourages people to keep up all kinds of terrible habits because YOLO. -u/ErisianMoon -
"Don't be depressed, there are other people doing worse than you." Thanks, I know that and try to help them sometimes. But that won't help my depression leave just because I compare myself to other people having a worse life than me. -u/Scarmaster21 -
Telling people "It's all in your head." -u/my_gender_is_a_glock -
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Nope— not true. Some things leave you permanently changed, and not always for the better. Yes, it is possible (and oftentimes a good thing) to try and find silver linings regarding crummy situations. But to completely ignore how something may hurt someone is absolutely foolish. -u/itsgoodpain -
“Ignore the bullying and it will go away.” Like wtf is that logic? If you are actively letting bullying happen to you it will only get worse (in my experience.) -u/kianstartedskating -
You're not married because you're "too picky." So I'm supposed to settle just so I can be married? You better believe I'm going to be picky when it comes to the person I'm going to interconnect everything with for the rest of my life. In fact, I know more married people that are in unhappy marriages because they weren't picky enough. Better to be single than with the wrong person. -u/CamaroNoir -
“Never settle. Reach for the stars.” Sometimes knowing your limits is a good thing. Otherwise you may refuse something good because you’re trying to get something that’ll never be possible. -u/macaronsforeveryone -
“Do what you love” and its close cousin “Follow your dreams." The best counter advice or aphorism I ever got was from a former boss: “Work is work. If it were fun, they’d call it something else.” -u/gorillamagnet -
Anything involving the idea of “soulmates” can really set you up for a big fall. -u/FishingOk3283 -
“Just get over it." Most people would if they could. -u/AJSK18 -
"Everything happens for a reason." Tell that to a mother who lost her son to a drunk driver. -u/XizaanxvMohX -
"Never go to bed angry." When you're tired and cranky, that's not the best time to solve your problems. Get some sleep, clear your head, and talk about it in the morning. Preferably after breakfast, so you're not hangry. -u/Forsaken-Economy-416 -
Any husband advice that means he just lays down and rots as long as it keeps his wife from whining. "Happy life happy wife." "If you're right and she’s wrong, she’s right." F*ck that advice so hard. -u/deleted -
Telling people they are beautiful on the inside does more to convince people that beauty is important than it will convince them that they are actually beautiful. If someone is "beautiful on the inside" because of their compassion, just call them compassionate. -u/Black-Thirteen -
"The customer is always right." I don't work retail or anything, but whenever I go shopping, I see a lot of customers verbally abusing store associates. It's terrible. -u/yamsnavas2 -
"You can grow up and be whatever you want." -u/SenpaiGandalf -
"Hard work = success." -u/IamJeffreyW -
That going to college will “guarantee you a high paying job." I heard that sh*t all my childhood and it just absolutely is not always true. Trade school degrees that are way cheaper can pay more and give you a better chance at a job. Wish someone would have told me this 15 years ago. -u/Minion0827 -
No pain, no gain. Sometimes sh*t hurts and you should see that as a sign to back off or get some help. -u/fullchargegaming -
“Respect your elders.” F*ck that. You’re not entitled to my respect just because you’re old. If someone expects me to treat them with respect, they should at least be respectful as well. -u/thenexthefner
- 25 Pieces of ‘Life Advice’ That Are Total Bullsh*t
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Pretty much anything about what age you have to be to like buy a house, have kids, get married, have a career or anything like that. Seriously every person lives a different life than everyone else. Live your life the way that makes you happy. If you want. Up to you. -u/Ginger-Beefcake